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1. Rheological Test – Test Method ASTM D 6204-15

This test is use to determine the vulcanization characteristics of rubber compounds. The method covers the use of a rotorless oscillating shear rheometer for the measurement of the flow properties of the rubber unvulcanized rubber compounds.


2. Mooney Viscosity and Mooney Scorch Test – Test Method ISO 289-1 and ISO 289-2

This test specifies the method to determine the property called Mooney viscosity of uncompounded or compounded rubbers using a shearing-disc viscometer. The torque which has to be applied under specified conditions in order to rotate a metal disc in a cylindrical chamber formed from mating dies filled with rubber is measured. The resistance offered by the rubber to this rotation is expressed in arbitrary units as the Mooney viscosity of the test piece. Mooney scorch is a test for determining the pre-vulcanization characteristics of compounded rubber. The pre-vulcanization characteristics determine by this method provide a means of estimating how long compounded rubber can be maintained at high temperatures and remain processable.



3. Tensile Test – Test Method ISO 37

Tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers are useful in the study of the resistance to break of a material under specific tension. Results are defined in term of tensile strength, elongation at break, stress at a given elongation, elongation at a given stress, stress at yield and elongation at yield of a compound.


4. Abrasion Resistance Test - Test Method ISO 4649

This test describes the method to determine the volume loss due to abrasive action of rubbing a test piece over specified grade of abrasive sheet. Runs with a reference compound to express the results as relative volume loss compared to a calibrated abrasive sheet or as an abrasion resistance index compared to a reference compound.



5. Aging Test - Test Method ISO 188

This test describes the method to determine the accelerated ageing or heat resistance on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers with two methods given which are: Method A: air oven method using a cell-type oven or cabinet oven with low air speed and a ventilation of 3 to 10 changes per hour. Method B: air oven method using a cabinet oven with forced air circulation by means of a fan and a ventilation of 3 to 10 changes per hour.


6. Specific Gravity Test – Test Method ISO 2781

This test describes the method to determine the specific gravity of rubber masterbatch and compound by determining density of rubber masterbatch, compound and a reference substance.


7. Durometer Hardness Test – Test Method ISO 7619

This test describes the method to determine the indention hardness (Shore hardness) of vulcanized rubber using durometer for the A scale specified for rubber in the normal-hardness range.


8. Compression Set – Test Method ISO 815-1

Compression set testing is used to determine the ability of elastomeric materials to maintain elastic properties after prolonged compressive stress. The test measures the somewhat permanent deformation of the specimen after it has been exposed to compressive stress for a set time period. Compression set is expressed as the percentage of the original deflection. Compression set is an important property for elastomers and cusioning materials.






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