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Sunrich Tyre & Auto Products Sdn Bhd (STAP)



Sunrich Tyre and Auto Products Sendirian Berhad ( STAP) was set up in 2010 with the intention for Sunrich Group to handle new products such as New Tyres, high powered long lasting auto batteries, auto accessories like alloy wheels and rubber materials for manufacturing automobile and conveyor belt related items.

At the same time STAP will grow new businesses for the Group in advanced rubber and tyre technologies like Green Tyres, tyres with nano-sized Rubber dust in order to recycle used tyre rubber and to innovate new and long mileage tyres impregnated with Carbon Nanotubes from China and Ekoprena supplied by the Malaysian Rubber Board ( MRB) .

STAP is developing creative ways of making new tyres to maximize the use of advanced treadliners jointly developed by our Group together with MRB and with world reknown rubber compound specialist, Kraiburg of Germany for both new and retreaded tyres.

STAP is also involved in the trading of our products’ raw materials , other tyres not manufactured by our Group e.g big mining OTR tyres , machinery and total project management of used tyre and rubber processing plants.

Contact and Enquiry

+606-675 9966





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